
Security labels used in the retail industry

Retailers tend to lose merchandise to the tune of billions of pounds due to theft and shoplifting. However, technology can come to their aid in the fight against theft. Security tags which incorporate sensors are weapons which many retailers swear by. These security tags have sensors that trigger an alert when someone tries to remove […]

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How security labels can help to prevent laptop theft

Laptops for some time now have been widely targeted by thieves. Laptops can be easily stolen because of their size and portability. The market for reselling laptops is also big. But due to technology advancements, measures to safeguard laptops have received a big boost. This boost comes in the form of security labels. Using security […]

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Barcode labels – different types and uses

Barcode labels can help you to organise your assets efficiently and protect them against theft. Different types of high quality labels are now available to suit different needs. Benefits of using barcode labels Barcode labels offer a simple way of distinguishing your items amongst others. Each barcode label has black and white bars, which uniquely […]

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Asset tags for identifying your assets

Asset tags are usually used by institutions and businesses for property identification. Determining and maintaining assets is essential for every business due to the investment involved in buying them. Asset tagging can also help to prevent loss of assets due to theft. Using asset tags is like putting a mark of ownership on your assets. […]

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What are the benefits of using custom labels?

Are you looking for ways to change your product identity? Are you looking to get a competitive edge? If yes, then you can now accomplish these results with custom labels. Well-designed custom labels can attract the attention of consumers and business prospects. Mentioned below are some ways how custom labels can help your business: 1. […]

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Barcode labels – a smart option for any type of business

Today many businesses are making huge changes in their style of operations and management to keep up with changing trends. Barcode labels are one such product which have now taken over many traditional and manual types of product identification. Advantages of Barcode Labels The retail industry has embraced barcode labels as it helps in saving […]

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Track your valuable assets using asset tags

Asset tags are important tools designed to help businesses to easily keep track of their valuable and expensive assets. As high quality asset tags can now be obtained at an affordable cost, most businesses are now considering using them. Besides asset tags, you can also get asset labels, property ID tags, inventory asset tags and […]

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Barcode labels – an excellent way to reduce your operational costs

Do you want to find ways to reduce your business expenses? If yes, then you must consider using asset tags, asset labels and barcode labels in your business. Nowadays, many business owners are fixing barcode labels on their assets or equipment in order to keep efficient records and properly track items. The main aim of […]

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