
Asset labels – the simplification of inventory control

Inventory control is one of the most important functions in any organisation involved in the manufacturing or distribution of products. Every organisation has an internal inventory control department. Labeling and coding offers the smooth functioning of inventory control. With numerous products in a constant cycle of deployment and replenishment, inventory control can be a challenging […]

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Asset tags- three main reasons why you should be using them

It is advisable to invest in all possible security measures to protect your company’s valuable assets. A good way is to tag all expensive equipment that is used on a daily basis. Sometimes, it is not feasible to tag each and every item. It does not even look good to have a tag on every […]

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Barcode labels – what are their different uses

Many people have a common misconception that barcode labels are only used on specific products that are sold in stores. However, barcodes are used for a number of different purposes today. Barcodes can store and retain data that can be easily and quickly scanned using a barcode scanner. Some uses of barcode labels Below are […]

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A brief look at the use of barcode labels

Barcode labels are an indispensable tool for businesses, helping both humans and machines identify products quickly and accurately. These labels can store encrypted information related to product details and pricing, simplifying the buying and selling process. Additionally, barcodes can serve as security labels for valuable company assets, enhancing overall security measures. Why Use Barcode Labels? […]

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Asset tagging – How it helps businesses

Asset tracking and labelling means attaching numbered labels on the items you own. The item numbers are then stored in an asset register. This allows businesses to monitor and track their equipment easily and effectively. Asset tagging offers numerous benefits to businesses of all size. Whether you have a warehouse or a retail store, asset […]

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Three major benefits of using asset labels

Asset labels are one of the many accessories that ensure your office items are labeled appropriately. These labels can also be used along with barcode labels coupled with asset management software. Therefore, you can maintain a detailed inventory of your office related accessories. Label important office items As mentioned, asset labels are used to mark […]

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Safeguard your assets with asset tags

Asset labels are mostly used for identifying assets. These labels are perfect to use in different situations like in commercial, industrial, personal or government settings. Manufactured asset tags come with a semi-transparent adhesive backing. Some asset tags also come with metal overlaid plate where the reference or information is attached. When it comes to asset […]

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Asset labels – Four major benefits of using them

Have you ever been advised to use asset labels for your office? Such labels can be considered as one of the most useful items in your office set up. They not only help to identify equipment but also help to deter thieves. These labels are attached to important business items. You can also maintain a […]

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