
Keep a track of your tools and equipment with asset tags

Asset labels are also referred to as property labels, security stickers, asset tags, barcode labels and ID tags. These labels are available in different types and sizes. Different materials are also used for making asset tags. Some of the popularly used materials include vinyl, polyester and aluminium foil. This allows you to choose the materials […]

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What are my options when choosing durable asset labels?

Equipment is constantly being misplaced and stolen in today’s age. Should you not have a system to monitor all your goods that you consider as “valuable”? Think about it. Would you not be at ease if you know that there is no way that your equipment will be stolen or misplaced. Sometimes a tiny little […]

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Why do businesses choose high quality barcode labels?

The answer is that durable barcodes are a must for industrial applications and absolutely vital for marking equipment. How durable is “durable”? High quality, durable barcodes can resist corrosion, heat, cold, UV light and solvents. Durable barcode labels come in a lot of types and are available under various names. They might be listed as […]

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Can asset labels survive tough conditions?

Do you hold expensive and valuable assets within your company, like modern high-tech electrical equipment and valuable machinery. If yes, then it is absolutely necessary to affix asset tags onto them. Tagging your assets allows you to track them constantly as well as render them ‘thief-proof’. Instead of maintaining huge log files for all the […]

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VOID asset labels and permanent labels

We will discuss two categories of asset labels; ‘permanent vinyl labels’ and ‘silver void labels’ Permanent vinyl asset labels Most applications use this kind of label. These labels are of a better quality than the paper versions. The adhesive used forms a super strong bond with most surfaces it comes into contact with, provided the […]

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Asset and security labels

A safe and secure way of protecting your property is through using security tags and labels. Every one of us has lost or misplaced something and the same applies to busi-nesses. Security tags Using security and asset labels sends out a clear ‘beware’ signal to any would-be thieves. Having a security tag says that the […]

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The different types of barcodes available

Barcodes help in identifying items and products. These are a series of numbers and vertical lines with spacing which can be read via barcode scanner. Barcode scanners and mobile computers are specifically designed to read the data which is stored in the barcodes. In the past, barcodes were just a series of horizontal lines and […]

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Creating an identity for your product by using custom labels

Awareness is the most important thing in establishing brand identity for any product in the market. One really convenient way of doing this is by using custom labels. This is because custom labels give a tag to the product so that the customers familiarise themselves with the brand. How to go about designing your custom […]

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