
Adding artwork to data labels

Data labels are being used with increasing frequency across industry. Many companies hold large amounts of stock of the items they need in their manufacturing processes. This stock needs to be accounted for as the total sum of the stock on a company’s books may add up to a great deal of money. Pre-printed data […]

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Cheap pre-printed barcode labels

Barcodes are used on just about any product you see nowadays. It’s an easy way of identifying a product and is used by merchandisers to keep a track of stock levels and hence pricing structure of their items. Most barcode labels are pre-printed onto the goods when the goods are manufactured, but there are some […]

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Using barcodes to change the way we stock take

Barcodes are now used on just about every type of product in the market. The unique identifier of the barcode label can be thus used by the product owners to store information about the product, such as its specification and even the price of the product. Barcodes are a great way to manage the stock […]

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Barcode labels help BioMonde and APC Overnight

Barcode labels help companies meet their targets with ease. APC overnight, the well known logistics experts, use barcode technology to track the location of their parcels and packages so deliveries are always traceable and hence arrive at their destination on time. Medical products distributors BioMonde are APC Overnight customers. For delivery of goods APC Overnight […]

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Protect your valuables using asset labels

If you are the manager of a business, you will know that your business will hold many assets. These assets might be things such as computer equipment, desks, machinery or even tools. It’s your company assets which makes your company tick, so without them your company may struggle to function. Because of this, many businesses […]

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Barcode labels make life much easier

The recording of goods and stock has been made simple since the introduction of barcode technology. Now, barcode labels can be stuck on just about anything, so that items can be recorded and accurate data about products kept in a computerised form. There are many different types of aftermarket barcode labels currently available which suit […]

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The benefits of using barcode labels for a small company

Keeping a check on your inventory and stock levels is vitally important for smaller businesses. The money you have tied up in stock is money that is literally sitting on a shelf and not being used. However, when you have an accurate way of measuring the stock you have and have a system which shows […]

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Asset tags and barcode labels – making the right choice

There are a huge variety of barcode labels and asset tag solutions currently available to the general user. And whilst the majority of these vary in size and design there are a few other things which can determine the usability of the label in question. Things such as the durability of the label, the material […]

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