
Some points about asset labels

Asset labels are a simple and effective way of tracking your businesses property. This may include any stock supplies or office property or allowing you to keep accurate records of all your company assets. This labour saving method can be particularly useful during processes such as stock taking or company equipment logging. More traditional methods […]

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Track assets using asset labels

Asset labels are a useful way of labelling and tracking your company’s assets. However, it is important to select the correct label for the task. Labels can be made out of a number of different materials, each with different properties, and therefore you must consider which is the most appropriate for your intended use. Materials […]

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Use security labels to protect valuable assets

Safeguarding company equipment is very important if a business wants to avoid financial losses. And one of the best ways to keep track of all the equipment you own is to have an asset register of all your assets. The best way to implement than asset register is to label each and every asset you […]

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The many benefits of barcode labels

Barcode labels are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and types dependant on the specific application for which they are used. Whilst many businesses are now realising how these simple tags can help in terms of business efficiency, some businesses have still to reap the rewards that using barcode labels bring. Data is […]

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Using asset tags to improve business efficiencies and improve brand name

Asset labels and tags are available in a wide range of different options ranging from tags which are highly durable so suitable for industrial use to tags which are not so heavily focused on their hardwearing nature but instead feature a barcode or a brand name to ease their use. If you have a business, […]

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Using barcode labels to aid inventory management

Many people don’t have a handle on what inventory items they have in stock and what items are needed to boost stock levels. Managing your inventory items is however very important, as effective control of all the items you have on site can improve business efficiencies and hence improve business performance. If you use barcode […]

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Three benefits of using asset labels

Asset labels are a useful business item identification tool. In their most basic form they are basically a numbered label, which can be affixed to any number of assets or equipment. However, when used with asset management software they can become an invaluable tool which should be used by any business operation. Labelling items Asset […]

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Some types of barcode labels

There are many different designs of barcode labels available, with most differing in terms of the base material used in the label manufacturing process. Barcode labels also come with a range of different adhesive backings and come in a range of different sizes and shapes. Aluminium barcode labels If you need a durable label which […]

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