
Cheap adhesive barcode labels

Marking or tagging one’s possessions is not a new fad. The need to provide product identification has however become more apparent as companies strive to find ways to reduce overheads and make their businesses more profitable. A business can only be profitable and efficient if it has complete control over its assets. And if this […]

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Barcode labels for harsh environments

Standard barcode labels would not likely survive if they were exposed to the harsh conditions seen within some factories in the UK. The high temperatures that exist in some factories combined with the dust, dirt and products used do not give simple paper barcode labels a chance to bring their well known efficiency benefits. If […]

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New handheld scanner from Wasp

A new mobile computer barcode scanning device has just been launched by Wasp Barcode technologies. The new device is compatible with current wasp inventory control software and is designed to increase efficiency and productivity in logistics, retail and field service environments. The new device can read 1D barcodes quickly using its integrated scan engine and […]

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Why does your business need asset labels?

You’ve most likely already heard of asset labels. Asset labels are becoming more common all the time as businesses try to keep track of the items they own. They are now widely used across the UK by many companies, large and small. Some of the reasons a company might use asset labels include: Identifying office […]

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Using barcode labels and asset tags for many different reasons

Data processing can be made much quicker when you use barcode labels. The barcode labels can be affixed to every product that you own or have for sale and then tracking and organisation of products can be handled much easier. Asset tags and barcode labels are excellent tools which can be used in just about […]

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Asset labels help protect homeowner’s property

Latest police figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that thefts from homes actually increased during 2010 and 2011. In response, online company has advised that homeowner’s property can be protected if the items have asset labels fixed to them. Figures by insurance company Aviva, which were published in March, […]

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How to reduce human error

We all make mistakes. It doesn’t matter if we are the head of a global business or a trainee clerk, from time to time we’ll do something wrong. It might be that it’s an error with some financial figures or even sending an email to the wrong person, when we make a mistake we just […]

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Cheap barcode labels

You’ll find barcodes on just about every product you buy nowadays. Barcodes are an easy way to identify individual products and are regularly used by merchandisers to keep track of stock levels and formulate pricing structures for stock. Most products’ barcode labels are printed onto the items when the goods are manufactured. However there are […]

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