
About barcodes and their origins

Although the barcode label is now a common sight, its invention revolutionised the way that products could be identified by the simple use of an electronic reader or scanner, Its beginnings date back to the late 1940’s when an American food retailer was hoping to find a way that food products could be automatically identified […]

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Cheap aftermarket barcode labels

Barcodes are used on the product packaging of just about every product you buy. They are also used for inventory tracking and are used expensively in the parcel delivery service by multi-national companies the world over. A barcode is a way of adding data or information to an item without the need for a written […]

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QR codes used on gravestones

We’ve seen barcodes on trees, barcodes on town signs and even barcodes on cows, but barcodes on gravestones? A funeral director from Poole in Dorset has started to attach QR codes to gravestones to allow visitors or family members to find out more about the person laid to rest. The QR code can be scanned […]

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Barcodes used to track blood

New blood tracking software has been revealed by the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. The barcode label tracking system uses software which controls the access to blood fridges and allows each barcoded unit of blood to be matched to a patient’s wristband barcode. The system from Msoft eSolutions has been named Bloodhound and is designed […]

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Barcodes on trees

We all know how important barcodes can be when used in an inventory tracking system, but it seems like their use has been expanded from retail items and business items to other sectors altogether. Trees in Whitby are to be fitted with barcode labels as part of the town’s tree assessment and inventory programme. In […]

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Barcode scanners for business data recording

Barcode technology can improve accuracy of data recording and can also save company time. Scanners can read data instantly and then transmit this information wirelessly to a computer system. The need for manual data entry which can result in errors can thus be eliminated if an employer moves to a barcode scanning system. There are […]

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Barcode label materials

We are all familiar with barcodes. These are the small sequence of lines which feature on just about every product we buy today. Barcodes are used for pricing, inventory tracking and product allocation reasons and are a firm part of our everyday lives. However they don’t have to be printed onto a product packaging at […]

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Will Apple’s Passbook app really make life a lot easier for consumers?

Apple fans are waiting with baited breath for the arrival of the new operating system this autumn, with iOS 6 set to change the landscape yet again with regards to what is possible with mobile devices. Over the past few years the ‘app’ has really taken off, with all smartphone manufacturers looking to get in […]

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