
Which thermal printing should I use?

Labels that use thermal printing are produced for a specific purpose; we offer two distinct kinds of thermal printing, transfer and direct and there are some variations of these, the way that these differ is that thermal transfer has a ribbon and thermal direct does not. Usually thermal transfer is the more commonly used one […]

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The new website is working well

It is coming up to two years since we launched our new website and from feedback that we have received in the intervening time, it looks as though this is working well for both our existing customers and the many new ones that have come to us. From the comments that we have received, finding […]

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Adding a barcode to an existing label

Barcodes, the unsung heroes of modern commerce, transcend their role at the checkout counter to revolutionize various industries. From retail to logistics, their versatility knows no bounds. Enter aftermarket barcode labels, the unsung champions of efficient inventory management and package tracking. These labels, available in a myriad of shapes and sizes, boast a convenient adhesive […]

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Protecting your label

Between us we have designed approved and carefully produced the perfect label for your item and the barcode has been tested for readability and does so every time. Having gone through all the stages, the last thing that you as the item supplier want is for the label to become damaged, or the barcode unreadable […]

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DataLabel Giving The Best Customer Service

If you want a quotation for a product label, barcode, vinyl sticker, or an asset tag, by telling us a few things will make it easier for us to get the quotation to you quickly and possibly we may be able to suggest alternatives that could put you ahead of the competition. Naturally as with […]

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Readable barcodes

If a barcode cannot be read when scanned, there is little point in adding it to a product. Naturally the numbers on the barcode can be punched into the cash register or computer, but this is completely defeating the object! This is why good quality printing is vital, if the code is in any way […]

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Barcode or QR

The quick response or “QR” code is being seen on more advertisements, leaflets, in fact just about everywhere, so is the QR replacing the barcode? Well the simple answer to that is no, this is because essentially it does a different job to the barcode, although they can both be read by optical devices. With […]

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The value of a self adhesive label

There are many values to self adhesive labels, they are certainly easy to use and can be supplied on handy rolls which makes them easy to handle and to keep tidy ready for use at any time. Customised self adhesive labels can be supplied in a huge variety of sizes and shapes, with over 5,000 […]

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  • Address: Unit 7 Hyders Farm,
    Bonnetts Lane,
    RH11 0NY
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  • Phone: +44(0) 1293 738197