
Portable Appliance Testing Labels

Health and Safety regulations require that electrical appliances are safe and maintained to prevent harm to workers. This is normally required to be done on a yearly basis to ensure that the item continues to be safe to use. Companies carrying out these test have to fix a label to the item so that the […]

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From simple beginnings to digital printing

Labels have been around for a very long time, it is believed that they were first used about 400 years ago and then of course the label would have been written by hand, or images cut into wood and the image pressed into the paper, using a press of some description. Gradually though the years […]

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Get the most by using a QR code on your product

The QR code can be a great advantage to your company and to work for you it needs to be displayed prominently on the product. We have seen that the QR code can be printed in a variety of shapes, colour and sizes, have a picture embedded into and it is there always on display […]

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Bespoke Label Printing

More often than not we can supply a label which will fit your exact requirements from our huge stock of standard sizes. Over the 25 years that we have been supplying customers with labels we have amassed a huge stock of cutters, in fact we have 5,000 of these and you can choose from; including […]

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Asset tags can improve efficiency and also help with the brand

Asset tags come in many options these can be extremely durable for industrial use, others which do not have to stand up to such extreme conditions can instead feature a barcode or a brand name promoting the company. For your business it’s important that you secure your assets and the best way to do this […]

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QR codes your 24hour marketing executive

Barcodes have been with us for nearly forty years and are a very familiar sight wherever we look; the QR code is relatively new with us for less than half that time, coming into prominence with the rise of the smartphone. The QR code or quick response code can carry far more information than the […]

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Reverse Printed Peelable Labels

The reverse peelable label is a great idea if you want to include more information about your product, but the space on it may be limited. The reverse printed label is ideal for products which may be food for example and you want to include cooking instructions, these are revealed when the label is peeled […]

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If you are considering barcodes, read this first

The barcode is a clever device and it is able to contain far more information than just the price of a product when scanned at a cash register. One of the major uses of a barcode is to identify, track, and enable stock records amongst many other uses. Identifying items easily is the main purpose […]

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  • Address: Unit 7 Hyders Farm,
    Bonnetts Lane,
    RH11 0NY
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  • Phone: +44(0) 1293 738197