
Working for your business 24/7

How would you like a salesman to work for you every day of the week without pay; now that would be something wouldn’t it? Well it is possible through window stickers and these can be on cars, shops, vans, house windows, just about anywhere. We have a lot of experience in producing window stickers for […]

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Basic uses for the barcode

We are all familiar with the barcode, it is on just about every conceivable product that has been made for many years now, and so familiar is it to us all that most of us do not even notice it any more. However, how many people realise the numerous functions that can be performed with […]

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Asset Tracking

The effect of the recession has meant that many companies are delaying the purchase of new equipment until such time as finances improve. Whilst spending money on asset labelling and tracking might seem to be an expense that a business could well do without, but in the long run it could prove to be very […]

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Using customised labels to create a product identity

One thing that is sure to that your product is noticed by customers and that is by using an attractive and well designed customised label. This will create awareness, the most important thing when establishing a brand identity. Well customised and designed labels are going to be noticed by customers. This is sure to increase […]

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Asset tags and remote working

Today many people are field based or even work from home and less emphasis is placed upon the time when a business may have had a stable number of staff who all worked in the office; then there was no need to track company items. Add to that turnover of staff is now more prevalent, […]

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Long lasting durable labels

Product labels do not always live in a clean environment and there are times when dirt, dust and grime can just about render a label unreadable, such as a warehouse label, or one where the product is likely come into contact with these sorts of conditions. Taking warehouses an example, some have environments in which […]

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Barcoding Summary

We have seen that barcoding has been part of the technology infrastructure of business for many years. While the technology is not new, the many uses for bar coding do not stand still and we are today seeing many new applications which re only just becoming relevant. We can say that is does not matter […]

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A Guide To Barcodes Part 2

We have seen that barcodes are now used extensively throughout most industry and retail environments and depending on the application that you need the barcode for, will depend which symbology is used. There are seven commonly used symbologies and we will be more than happy to discuss with you the one that is right for […]

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    Bonnetts Lane,
    RH11 0NY
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  • Phone: +44(0) 1293 738197