
Utilising barcodes on asset labels

Assets are by and large numbered in most commercial or industrial premises in order that the company can keep a track of the asset. However, there are a few other methods that can be used instead of numbering to increase business efficiency when stocktaking and equipment tracking. The traditional and at the time the best […]

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After market barcode labels

With just about everything that you can imagine today having a barcode on the label, this is an easy way of product identification and used by retailers as a way to price items and keep stock records. The majority are printed onto the product labels as it is being made. However it is possible that […]

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Why asset tags are important for your business

Asset tags are usually used by institutions and businesses for property identification, necessary to ensure that they are properly maintained and also to prevent loss of assets due to theft. Using asset tags indicates ownership on your assets and using asset tags at places like shops and warehouses can be very helpful for asset and […]

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Barcoding is the smart new look for your business

Keeping up with the trends is important in any business and making use of barcode technology is vital. We have seen how the retail industry has embraced barcode labels as it helps in saving a lot of time and makes selling and products an easy process. The information and the price of the product are […]

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Your options for custom labels

Usually, we can meet the needs of a business wanting a label from our huge range of standard sizes and shapes. From our stock labels, we can offer many different types of barcode labels and asset tags available, in a range of different materials, sizes and styles. These can be hard-wearing or durable, an asset […]

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About Vinyl Stickers and some of their uses

Vinyl stickers are being used increasingly in both the retail sector as well as the pharmaceutical industry, a sector that is now very reliant on them. Just looking along a supermarket shelf or in a pharmacy and you will see just how they have come to rely upon them to describe the contents or to […]

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How to manage stock and inventory using barcode labels

Keeping of inventory and stock is vital to any well-run business and managers understand the importance of keeping track of all the items you have. Manually taking stock is time-consuming and in a large organisation, or one where the business operates from a number of sites, days can be spent carrying out the task. It […]

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The QR code can promote your business

We have only to look at how the barcode has transformed the way business works and it is certain that encoding of data can be extremely useful. This is where the QR code can be the next big transformation of how business is promoted. QR codes are really just a type of barcode; although they […]

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    Bonnetts Lane,
    RH11 0NY
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