
Making inventory management easy using asset tags

With the use of the correct asset tags, inventory management can be made very easy, businesses and commercial establishments, particularly the retail sector, use asset tags as a matter of routine because in these sectors many items often need to be tracked closely. With the ever-changing needs of business today, it is not uncommon to […]

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A few reasons why barcode and asset labels benefit from over-lamination

If a barcode label or an asset tag or label becomes damaged through exposure to adverse conditions, they become unreadable by the scanner and no longer serve the purpose for which they were intended. In such cases the label would have to be replaced, wasting company employees’ valuable time and costing the company money. We […]

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Barcodes their uses, durability and printing

The type of material and printing of a barcode will depend upon a number of factors and is largely dependent upon where the item that the barcode is used for is stored, how it is likely to be used and the method of transportation. Examples would be a durable barcode that can resist corrosion, heat, […]

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Use barcode labels for high quality data management

We have all become familiar with barcode labels on products that we see every day at supermarkets and in other kinds of retail outlets, but they have many more uses than just telling the checkout operator the price of the goods. Naturally, this method has completely replaced the traditional method of having to manually price […]

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Longevity is not the only advantage of vinyl stickers

By using a vinyl sticker to advertise your company, event or project you can be sure that, unlike a paper poster, they will always look smart, clean and a credit to your company or club. Vinyl stickers are seen and used for a variety of advertising purposes, normally seen on the inside of cars, but […]

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Securing valuables assets with barcode labels

Ensuring that your valuable business assets are securely marked is a vital part of any well-run business, particularly when you consider that in some cases the value of these assets can amount to many thousands of pounds. These security labels can be made from a wide range of different materials; also they are usually supplied […]

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Peel and reveal labels

Peel and reveal labels offer businesses the ability to put extra information onto their product, in effect a lot more printed words on the same space as a standard label. This is not only important but very timely as major label law changes in the food and chemical industries came into effect in December of […]

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How QR Codes can benefit your business

We are fairly sure that you will have seen how the QR code is being seen more and more on packaging and labels, there is a very good reason. This code is a form of barcode, but instead of the series of lines, the QR code encodes data in the vertical plane as well as […]

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    Bonnetts Lane,
    RH11 0NY
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