
Why Product Labels Matter

We are all aware that the product label is an important element in marketing and selling a consumer product. Consumers need to know about the product, such as what the product is, how much it costs, how to use it, and how to store it. A product label might also need to comply with industry […]

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Barcode Verification and Validation

We take the ubiquitous barcode for granted, but it is pretty worthless if it will not read or scan properly. Naturally we assume that a simple scan will give us all we need to know about the barcoded product, but this assumption can be false. Much depends upon the scanner of course, but not all […]

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Digitally printed custom labels

Printing has come a long way and today there can be little excuse for a for quality printed label, indeed it is an old saying but it still holds good today, an image is worth a thousand words. To get that quality image it is necessary to have good print and it is just the […]

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The advantages of over-laminated labels

Before over-laminated labels were commonly available, company owners and managers found themselves wasting time and money replacing barcode labels that had become damaged or simply disintegrated or faded and unreadable. This can mean that time is lost by being unable to read the label and can mean that valuable employee’s time is wasted. Today we […]

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QR code your marketing friend

The QR code was devised in 1994 and it is something which is being seen more and more on labels, documents even phone apps for example. The QR Code is capable of encoding more than 7,000 characters in a single symbol, whereas a single bar code symbol typically stores around 20 digits and we know […]

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Barcode labels and some of their different uses

Barcodes are not necessarily just for swiping at the grocery checkout counter, they have many more uses. Product pricing is the obvious one that we see just about every day, for example, they are widely used in most retail stores across the globe. Once the barcode labels are passed over the scanner, the cost of […]

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The Advantages Of Over-Laminated Labels

Before over-laminated labels were commonly available, company owners and managers found themselves wasting time and money replacing barcode labels that had become damaged or simply disintegrated or faded and unreadable. This can mean that time is lost by being unable to read the label and can mean that valuable employees time is wasted. Today we […]

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Why does an asset label have to tough and durable?

An asset label which is also referred to as an asset tag has to be able to withstand all manner of conditions and these can vary considerably throughout the life of the asset. As we are aware asset labels can be hugely helpful for businesses and organisations, allowing the organisation to keep track of all […]

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