A stock take may need to be performed for your business to determine current asset or stock levels, the value of current stock and indeed any discrepancies. Whilst stock taking is undoubtedly an extremely useful process for your business, it can be a time consuming exercise. Either as an annual, intermittent or ongoing process, a stock take can be costly to the business, primarily due to the hours it can take to complete.
There are a number of techniques or products which can save time, and consequently money by streamlining this process.
Fixed asset labels can be made to your individual requirements. You may choose to include your company logo and sequential numbering system on an asset label, which can be extremely useful to speed up the stock take process. In addition, this information can be integrated into your business tracking system.
Scanning a barcode on an asset label is much quicker than other methods of tracking and recording the information relating to your stock. Your business can thus save many working hours, which you may normally lose to the stock taking process, by reducing the time to record such information