
Posts matching 'Barcode Labels'(2)

Smart packaging sector continues to evolve as consumers demand more

Smart food packaging is continuing to evolve at a staggering rate as consumers look to make more informed choices about the food they eat as well as reduce waste, with scientists all over the world working on new and improved packaging. One of the many recent packaging solutions that has gained traction this year is […]

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Why it is cost effective to choose high quality barcode labels

When barcodes are used on industrial equipment for the purpose of asset tracing or when hired out, the label has to be durable and by durable this means that it must withstand corrosion, heat, cold, UV light and solvents. A variety of materials can be used for this type of barcode; these could be listed […]

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Barcodes are not just about product pricing

Yes, product pricing is a vital function of a barcode; it enables goods presented to a cashier, or at the checkout, to accurately display the price of the item, this ensures that the products are labelled with price and product information and this in turn reduces labour costs. Prices and details can be changed on […]

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Barcode Verification and Validation

We take the ubiquitous barcode for granted, but it is pretty worthless if it will not read or scan properly. Naturally we assume that a simple scan will give us all we need to know about the barcoded product, but this assumption can be false. Much depends upon the scanner of course, but not all […]

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Barcode labels and some of their different uses

Barcodes are not necessarily just for swiping at the grocery checkout counter, they have many more uses. Product pricing is the obvious one that we see just about every day, for example, they are widely used in most retail stores across the globe. Once the barcode labels are passed over the scanner, the cost of […]

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The Advantages Of Over-Laminated Labels

Before over-laminated labels were commonly available, company owners and managers found themselves wasting time and money replacing barcode labels that had become damaged or simply disintegrated or faded and unreadable. This can mean that time is lost by being unable to read the label and can mean that valuable employees time is wasted. Today we […]

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A few reasons why barcode and asset labels benefit from over-lamination

If a barcode label or an asset tag or label becomes damaged through exposure to adverse conditions, they become unreadable by the scanner and no longer serve the purpose for which they were intended. In such cases the label would have to be replaced, wasting company employees’ valuable time and costing the company money. We […]

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Use barcode labels for high quality data management

We have all become familiar with barcode labels on products that we see every day at supermarkets and in other kinds of retail outlets, but they have many more uses than just telling the checkout operator the price of the goods. Naturally, this method has completely replaced the traditional method of having to manually price […]

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