
Barcode labels – a smart option for any type of business

Today many businesses are making huge changes in their style of operations and management to keep up with changing trends. Barcode labels are one such product which have now taken over many traditional and manual types of product identification.

Advantages of Barcode Labels

The retail industry has embraced barcode labels as it helps in saving a lot of time and makes selling and products an easy process. The information and the price of the product are stored in the barcode label in the form of lines of differing thicknesses. Nowadays, these labels are used extensively all over the world.

Types of Barcode Labels

Whilst they may look very similar, barcode labels come in many different types. They are classified based on the base material on which they are inked. The base substance is known as stock. The three main types of barcodes are aluminium labels, ceramic labels and polyester labels. These can be customised and are available in various sizes. The adhesive backing can also vary.

Special software makes the symbols that one sees on a barcode label. The software forms and designs the black strips found on the barcode, and every one is unique.

Barcode labels are important in distribution, tracking inventory and work in process manufacturing. They are ideal because of the accuracy, consistency, speed and economy which they provide to the manufacturer.